Download Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The
(action, adventure, fantasy).
While Frodo & Sam continue to approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, unaware of the path Gollum is leading them, the former Fellowship aid Rohan & Gondor in a great battle in the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith and the Black Gates as Sauron wages his last war against Middle-Earth..
Viggo Mortensen | as |
Ian McKellen | as |
Elijah Wood | as |
Noel Appleby | as Everard Proudfoot |
Alexandra Astin | as Elanor Gamgee |
Sean Astin | as Sam |
David Aston | as Gondorian Soldier 3 |
John Bach | as Madril |
Sean Bean | as Boromir |
Cate Blanchett | as Galadriel |
Orlando Bloom | as Legolas |
Billy Boyd | as Pippin |
Sadwyn Brophy | as Eldarion |
Alistair Browning | as Damrod |
Marton Csokas | as Celeborn |
Richard Edge | as Gondorian Soldier 1 |
Jason Fitch | as Uruk 2 |
Bernard Hill | as Theoden |
Peter Jackson
See also: Action: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
See also Action On Deadly Ground